Our second stakeholder workshop was held on November 5th, 2020. The workshop was planned to take place in May 2020 but was postponed due to COVID-19 and was finally held in an online setting. Nevertheless, it was possible to create an interactive event with the participation of numerous experts from the fields of architecture, sustainability, disaster research, city administration, and neighborhood management, among others.
In the workshop, we had the opportunity to present preliminary results of our temporary housing research and receive valuable feedback and input from the participants. The main focus of the second workshop was on the current role of temporary housing in the urban planning concepts and general strategic papers of the City of Vienna. The discussions were moderated by Tatjana Fischer (Institute of Spatial Planning), André Gaszó, and Gloria Rose (Institute of Technology Assessment). A lively exchange emerged on stimulating and inhibiting factors for (future) strategies on temporary housing. The insights gained from the second stakeholder workshop will be integrated in our further research. We thank the experts for their active participation!
Screenshot Workshop November 2020