Every two years, the so-called Sardinia Symposium, organized by the IWWG (International Waste Working Group) takes place in the beautifully located Forte Village Resort in Santa Margherita di Pula (Cagliari), Italy. The symposium offers a welcome opportunity for representatives of waste management to get together, learn about new findings and current research activities and discuss future developments in the sector. The conference was attended by 675 international participants (researchers, technicians, administrators and operators) and focused on the advances of waste management science and technology, presenting case studies, and sharing experiences among different countries.
“Pop-Up Environments” was presented by Julia Zeilinger (Institute of Waste Management) during the session “Waste management in urban and peri-urban areas”. In her presentation titled “Sustainable temporary housing in urban areas – The role of waste & resource management”, she presented some examples of selected types of temporary housing facilities and discussed the prevalent waste and resource management considerations.
Julia’s participation at the conference was kindly facilitated by a travel subsidy of the Doctorate School Transitions to Sustainability (T2S) at BOKU University, of which she has been a doctoral candidate since 2018.
More information about the Symposium can be found here.