The Circular Economy Coalition for Europe (CEC4Europe) is a growing initiative of researchers with long-term experience in the field of waste and resource management aiming to facilitate the transition from a linear to a circular economy in Europe.
To mark four years of existence, the CEC4Europe invited to the Symposium “Science and Research for Circular Economy” on October 24th, 2019 in Vienna. The symposium was hosted by Prof. Martin Faulstich, head of INZIN Institute (Institut für die Zukunft der Industriegesellschaft – Institute for the Future of Industrial Society) and former chairman of the German Advisory Council on the Environment.
Researchers of different Universities in Austria and Germany were invited to present current research activities to interested representatives of the scientific community, personnel in research and development as well as representatives of ministries.
Julia Zeilinger gave insights into the research project and preliminary research results with her presentation on “Urban pop-up housing environments – Überlegungen zur Kreislauffähigkeit von temporären Wohnformen” and appreciated the opportunity for discussions and exchange of expertise with the diverse audience.
If you want to learn more about CEC4Europe, the Symposium and even watch a short video with excerpts from the presentations, please visit the website: